Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Red Robins...Yuummmm ;)

So yesterdday 04/12/11 ma girlfriend I turened 5 months of being together =] <3 & no lie they really have been probably the best 5 months of ma life. I feel that i have found the real me that was hiding inside his cage..but anywho lets not get off task here....
Well I decided to take ma girlfriend and her sis and ma cousin out to eat at Red Robins =] @ Cerritos Mall. We all got different things, and ma gf got "ice tea" but it was one of the ones u make at home with the lil baggies just that they put ice in the drinks lol so she switched it for a lemonade like me =]
It was a nice day with her, here are a few piks of us at Red Robins, =]


Legendary Kidd said...

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