Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Girls! NEW Marilyn Monroe v-neck t-shirts for Good Life Attire

Guess what! =] Good Life Attire will have girl shirts available soon, here is a sneek peek on how the shirt will look. There will also be black shirts available in this style, for whoever wants a black t-shirt better. I'm currently trying to get in contact with someone so that I can start producing the shirts. If you want a shirt make sure to pre-order @
Also there will be online orders, I'm currently working on the website details and stuff like that, so just stay connected by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and YouTube.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Music Mondays =]

Well today after coming home from work i ate some delicious enchiladas that ma mom had made, ma uncle was here with two of ma cousins, and then after finishing ma food ma cousin Edwin started playing the guitar and that's when another uncle showed up and grabbed the other guitar we have and then ma dad got the guitar as well =] and started learning how to play guitar and actually did sound like they were playing a song lmao... take a look at the video =] and subscribe to the YouTube account leave comments on ma blog thank you.

Music Video

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Day

So easter was a pretty weird day. Woke up and it was raining, so I thought to myself so is Easter CANCELED?
Anywho, after all it became a warm sunny & cloudy from time to time day. We went to La Puente with my family that lives over there and a few uncles went over there too with me other cousins of course. I invited my girlfriend as well, but for some reason they weren't able to make it but it's ok sometimes you can't make it. Well these next piks are snapshots of videos that me and ma cousin recorded. Hope you all enjoy the piks, and ill probably post the videos too just for more entertainment =]
visit for more videos