Thursday, December 8, 2011

New job :-)

December 7th 2011, 9:00pm

Well haven't blogged lately about anything. Why? Well because there wasn't much going on. Anywho, wanted to let you know that finally after months of searching I got hired at a call center.

Many of you might be oh wow well congrats, and I'm more excited than that simply because the company that I'm receiving orders for is actually an inspiration as to why I wanna beging GLA (Good Life Attire).

The company I'm taking customer service calls for is called TOMS, that's right yeah I said it TOMS SHOES. (
I really do like working there because of the hours and also because times go by fast and I have the weekends off.

Well that's all for now, just wanted to tell you a little something about my new job :-)