Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is where I will be @ tomorrow with my girlfriend & her family =]
This will be my first time going there I'm so excited not only because I'm going to Vegas but also because I'm going to see my girlfriend. I feel as if I haven't seen her in a while already =[ but it's all good =]
I can't wait...think I already know what I'm going to take (clothes)
I will have videos to show all of you how my trip went, so don't worry I'm bringing the Vegas vibe to you guys =]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

long day =]


Good Life Attire is MY company that I'm trying to make big =]
So far this year I have managed to get a location for the shirts to be sold & also have worked on new designs
Shout outs to Rosie my soccer coache's daughter who is going to help me out & have offered to sell GLA at her store. This is the location there will be more information with the proper adress later this week =]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Los Angeles Zoo

I WANNA GO!!!!! =] Haven't been here since way back lol...Might take my gf to go see the LA animals =]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

WWE Raw - The Rock Returns! (Monday 14th February 2011) BenBronxNYY

Well i guess the video says it all, one of the best wrestlers of all times is coming back to show bizz =]
Most little kids dont know but THE ROCK was one of the best if not the best back then, and hes come back to kick some fresh butt lol...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I recommend you get yourself one of these!

Cause carrying a fridge by hand is not good! NOT GOOD AT ALL! TRUST ME! So if your planning to move to a different house or apartment or wherever your moving and you have heavy items, I recommend you get one!  My muscles feel pumped up at the moment from all that heavy item lifting, fuck the weights just life your bed or fridge lol jk jk don't it's not good for your back.

New song from Beach Boy

This song is ready to hit the clubs =]

Hope all of you enjoy this song as much as I did. =] 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well let me introduce myself to you guys, my name is Edu Rosales also known as LEGENDARY KIDD. I'm 19 years young, born on Aug.30 1991 so make sure you guys hit me up saying happy bday & get me a gift too..hahaha nah im joking =]

I really don't know how this whole blogging thing works but just know that most of the post that I put up will be about what I did during the day, or how my week went since I honestly don't know how often I'll be posting up a new blog. If I can hopefully every night but there will be days when I can't due to personal business.
I will also try posting up pictures of where I am and where I'm going or the people that I'm with but for now it's going to be plain & simple.

I will try to entertain all of you with my life stories, and also hopefully I'll be able to even post up videos on this so for those of you lazy people that don't like to read like me, you can just watch =]

Well that would do it for today as my first BLOG =]
by the way make sure to follow me here & on twitter @legendary_kidd add me on facebook and myspace and just anywhere you can find me I'm all over the internet social network. 
02/15/11 @ 11:55pm